Saturday, December 31, 2011

How Dare She! Out Of Desperation, I Learned How To Forgive

!±8± How Dare She! Out Of Desperation, I Learned How To Forgive

My girlfriend did it to me again! Here I am, at home waiting and wondering where she is - again, getting more furious by the minute. Doesn't she know that I hate waiting for anyone? Doesn't she know that it's a blatant act of disrespect to me when she's late, especially late with no explanation? How dare she do this to me! "I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired!" This is it. I'm gon'na throw in the towel.

Besides, I have no trouble finding new girlfriends. It's easy for me. Just turn on the charm, flash a smile, feign shyness, mimic body language, maneuver into some instantly bonding (and surprisingly intimate) conversation, listen intently, and presto-chango, a new lover is queued.

It never fails. As soon as the body language is reciprocated, I know I've found my next potential romance.

It's just that...well, I really love my girlfriend and I always miss her so badly when we're apart.

I've been worried, angry, lonely, and depressed for the last few hours. Why am I feeling so crappy? Why do these situations (being left alone, feeling neglected, and unappreciated) always bring out the worst in me?

Is it because of my past?

From early adolescence, starting relationships was a piece of cake. I was an athletic, tanned Asian growing up in the land where brown skin and a fit body were (and still are) hot commodities - the United States.

But sustaining relationships was always a big challenge for me. Sooner or later, the grass always seemed greener.

I had the ability to be the ultimate Shape-Shifter. Like a chameleon, I would change personalities, demeanors, languages, and sometimes, appearances at will to fit into any social situation - or appeal to any particular feminine appetite.

In romance, I'd played - no, I'd "been" - all the roles (e.g., the hopeless romantic, the loyal best friend/lover, the playboy, the "angry at the world" bad boy, the traditional husband, the mystery man, the "open book," the intellectual, the artist, the athlete, the businessman, etc.). You name the type and I could produce an award-winning facsimile. And with every new relationship I had learned (and became) "the man of her dreams."

But none of these roles could sustain a marriage and/or relationship for any substantial length of time.

Puzzling. Why couldn't I just be "happy" in a long-term relationship? I thought I did everything right. I'd checked all the required blocks; having almost all the qualifications to be any woman's "catch of the century."

Initially, in every relationship, getting to know and explore a new woman's likes and dislikes was always an exciting journey for me. And the "lovey, dovey" stage was especially delicious (i.e., the sparkle in her eyes, the gentle hand squeezes, the head on the shoulder, the sweet half-smiles, and the endless other intimacies between two lovers). The new love would change me differently for the better with each new, unique relationship.

To be honest, I guess I loved being in love - kind of a "love addict," teetering on the fine line that separates romance and chivalry from the ugly practices of sexual predators.

Don't get me wrong. Through the years I have committed almost every adulthood faux pas possible. I've been married three times, divorced three times, and honestly can't count how many relationships I've had in between.

Of course, there was always a "rationale and justifiable" reason for each break-up (e.g., too much time working away from home, infidelity, chronic patterns of neglect, loneliness, boredom, lies, financial irresponsibility, etc.).
And in every case, I always ended up looking like the "good guy," the kind-hearted and sacrificing soul with the misfortune of getting matched with the wrong woman.

But after all these years and relationships, my own pattern was emerging. Then it dawned on me. Could it be that I'm the cause of all these relationship failures?

After my military career ended in retirement, a new life began. Or so I thought...

Until now, I've never stepped outside my own experience and tried to observe the current situation. I'm alone. I've got a lot of time. Why don't I finally explore the real motivations, feelings, and fears behind my misery?

Hell, thinking about these things quickly gives me a headache. I wonder if there's any beer in the fridge? No, I'd only get angry and depressed if I started drinking in this bewildered state.

Oh screw it, just a couple beers to relax......

.....Okay, I've inhaled a six-pack in the last two hours and what did it help? I'm just now getting over another cycle of uncontrollable rage, depression, loneliness, and tears. I'm really fed up with this. Why do I feel so bad?

I remember my childhood and it hurts.

I remember always being out of place in school (too young, too smart, too Asian, and so very lonely). Racism was alive and well in New England during the 1960's. And the discrimination in the Southern Florida of the early 1970's was worse. I was either ridiculed for my slanted eyes, or brown skin; or simply ignored, "invisible" - grey in a "black and white" world.

And I was fat. Not just chubby or baby-fat cute, I was fat.

I blamed my parents.

In Asia, a fat child was a status symbol, a testimony to the assumed wealth of his parents, and looked upon favorably by all. But in the United States, fat children are stereotyped as being lazy, cowardly, comical, and/or stupid.

My parents just didn't get it. They acted like they didn't care that I was ridiculed daily. I can't count how many times I cried over being - as my mother would say - "husky." In fact, I can still remember dreading each new season of shopping for school clothes. I had to buy "husky" sizes. I was so ashamed that I would keep looking around the store to see if any of my friends were around before I went to the dressing rooms.

It wasn't until I was nine or ten years old that I rebelled. I refused to eat whatever my parents made for dinner, choosing to prepare my own meals.

Of course, this led to a life-long battle over food choices with my parents. I'm sure I hurt their feelings many times. But I just couldn't stand being the brunt of all the fat jokes at school and other social situations.

Then I discovered sports and fitness. I played tennis for 5-6 hours a day during my summer break. When I went back to school, half of my friends didn't recognize me! I literally went from the nice, funny, fat kid to the kid that the girls in school would fawn over.

The girls, oh the girls! I'd never gotten so much attention before. They would sprint down alternate hallways or "accidentally" drop their books near me just to talk to me. It was quite a big change to get used to.

Then another neat thing happened. The years I spent learning on my own paid off. I was placed in the smart kid's "Gifted Programs."

Funny story. One day, after I got in trouble for the umpteenth time in school, my father told me I was going to a "special class" to meet my "special" needs. I thought I was going to the class for dumb kids. When I showed up for the Gifted Programs class, I was sure it was for stupid kids. Most of the kids looked like geeks or retards. It wasn't until the teacher approached me and explained the situation that I realized that all those weird-looking kids were brainiacs.

So there I was, popular with the girls, a jock, and a geek. Perversely, I decided to complete my repertoire of roles and characters and befriended a lot of acid rock, pothead friends. Surprisingly, no one batted an eye as I hung out with one group one week; then socialized with a totally different group during the next.

Sports, especially individual sports made me happy. I liked the idea of winning or losing by my own hand. I didn't like to play sports where the outcome relied too much on other people.

My prowess on the tennis court resulted in a lot of praise. I skipped the novice stage, going from beginner to tournament player in less than 8 months - all without the aid of lessons. I was self taught. Like everything else I considered important in my life (i.e., languages, art, science, psychology, relationships, etc.), I learned better and faster by teaching myself.

Soon I had garnered some sponsorship from a couple of local and national tennis stores. They would give me free tennis rackets, shoes, and clothes - as long as I kept my USTA (United States Tennis Association) State rankings high enough.

That year, I call it my "tennis year," I just knew that my family would get me something related to my new-found athletic passion for Christmas. On Christmas day, I eagerly opened each Christmas gift.

But with each present, I realized that my parents didn't have a clue what made me happy. I got clothes. I got socks. I got underwear. I got school supplies. Everything I got from my parents was totally unrelated to anything that I remotely liked, especially tennis.

My heart sank lower and lower as I reached the end of the small pile of Christmas gifts. The last gift I unwrapped was from my older sister. We had always been close. And after this Christmas we would be much closer.

The rectangular box looked like all the rest of the boxes containing a shirt or pants. I didn't open it with any enthusiasm. But then I saw what was inside. Framed behind a plastic front cover was a set of wrist bands and a headband, the kind I wore to keep sweat from my tennis racket grip and eyes when I played tennis. That's when I felt like my sister was the only person in my family (and the world) that loved me enough to know what I was all about.

A rush of bad feelings overwhelmed me. I spent the rest of the day hidden in the guest room's closet because I didn't want anyone to see me convulsing with waves of uncontrollable tears.

I hated Christmas time for the next 21 years. It wasn't until my second marriage that I learned to feel good about Christmas. My second wife went all out during the holiday season (e.g., Christmas lights on the house, baking cookies, dinner parties, Santa Claus photos for the kids, etc.). Her infectious joy during Christmas and New Year's slowly taught me how to enjoy a little of the festive cheer.

Spending most of my life serving in the military in Asia has made it easier to deal with Christmas because most Asian countries aren't Christian.

Another hurt?

Now I'm thinking about when I finally got my driver's license. I was so excited. I was driven by my sister to the DMV examining facility. I was supposed to call her when I was finished for a ride/drive back home.

"After today, I won't have to beg for a ride from my parents or sister," I thought.

I was totally prepared. The cursory physical exam, written exam, and road test was a breeze. In a couple of short hours, I was the proud owner of my first Driver's License. I could almost see the look on my girlfriend's face when I drove up to her house that night for our movie date.

I called my sister. No answer. During the next 3 ½ hours I alternated calling my sister and my parents. If anyone answered, the responses were the same, "...too busy to pick you up."

Alone, neglected, disappointed, and hurt again.

Screw it. I quit calling and jogged (in my jeans and Sketcher school shoes) the 3 miles home, getting more furious with each step. By the time I got home, it was dark. Everyone was already home!

What a raw deal. It was supposed to be a special, happy day for me. Getting my first Driver's License was a major accomplishment in my life; but no one even bothered to pick me up from the DMV facility!

I entered the house and kept my composure just long enough to nonchalantly say that everything went well.

Then I went to my room, grabbed a pillow from my bed and crouched in the corner of my closet. In the darkness of my closet, I screamed and cried into my pillow for the next two hours.

When my Mom knocked on my door to come to dinner, I told her I wasn't hungry, too tired, and needed to take a nap.

It was then that I realized that when it came to anything important to me, I couldn't really count on anyone - not even my sister. It was then that I vowed to prevent these situations from ever happening again by relying solely on myself. And from that point on, my natural independence and self-reliance became a fierce obsession.

I remember calling my girlfriend and canceling the movie date for that night. I told her I was sick. She believed me because my voice was so hoarse and my nose was still runny from the hours of violent crying.

Okay, enough reminiscing.

I've got to get back in control. There's got to be something I can do right now.

No more tears. Its time to DO SOMETHING. It's time to stop wasting any more time and energy.

I'm gon'na go online. Yeah, that's it, I'll Google the words: "Frustration, Anger, Jealousy, Sadness, and Depression."......

......What's up with this? In just about every article and reference (and there's hundreds on each subject), the word "forgiveness" keeps popping up as the recommended step toward overcoming sadness and healing.

Forgiveness? Why? I'm the one that's in the "right."

She (my girlfriend) is the one that is "wrong," right? She is the one who should be apologizing to me! Why do I always seem to get myself in this kind of predicament?

Do I really need to learn how to forgive?

Uh-oh, another wave of self-pity is ready and waiting to engulf me again.

Maintain, maintain, maintain control...I need to stay focused. I need to quickly understand something about this "forgiveness" thing.

Let's see. Article after article explains that my anger, frustration, sadness, and loneliness IS OF MY OWN DOING?

Keep reading. Huh? I have the power to learn from my present situation and grow from it? Really?

What a concept.

So, according to all the experts, regardless of who is right or wrong, without forgiveness, I'm the only one suffering! That sucks. It's like that old saying: What's more important; being right or being happy?

For my own survival, I guess I must forgive; not for anyone else, BUT FOR ME. If I don't forgive my girlfriend (or anyone else that has wronged me in the past), I'm allowing another person to control me. What's the use of harboring anger, resentment, or jealousy? The only person I'm hurting is myself. Besides, anyone who has wronged me in the past would continue on with normal life regardless of how I felt.

The past is past. Why am I letting myself hurt now from something that is over, in the past?

It's like that story about the two traveling monks. The two monks were supposed to avoid all intimate encounters with the opposite sex. As they came up to a stream, they see a beautiful princess in traditional royal attire. Apparently, she was alone; running away from an abusive suitor that her parents had promised her to.

There were no bridges, boats, or rafts at the stream. The only way to get across the muddy waters was to wade through the muck.

The two monks approached the princess. After assessing the situation, the older monk humbly offered the princess a piggy-back ride across the stream. The other monk watched in horror as his friend breached the "no contact with the opposite sex" rule.

After reaching the other side, the older monk bent down and gently let the princess dismount. The princess thanked the monk for the help and offered him a few gold coins. The monk declined the offer; saying that the money would be better spent helping her get away from danger and a life of unhappiness.

For miles (and hours) the two monks walked in silence.

Suddenly, the younger monk blurted out, "You know we're not supposed to touch women! Why did you do it?"

The older monk turned to the young monk and just said, "Friend, I made a choice; acted on the best choice I could think of, then I put the princess down on the other side of the stream - many hours and many miles ago. WHY ARE YOU STILL CARRYING HER?"

Why am I still carrying past hurt(s) into the present?

It's time to do something to make me feel better now.

Hmmm... interesting. Contrary to popular belief, I can forgive silently, remotely; that is, it's not necessary to physically meet and say "I forgive you" to all the people I think should be forgiven in my life.

What have I got to lose? Here goes.

"I now forgive. I quietly and sincerely forgive all the people I have allowed to hurt me in the past. I do this for me, not for the wrongdoers."

Jeez, this feels weird. It's hard to do. I'm so used to carrying around my own, custom-made, invisible 65 pound backpack full of bad memories. It's so familiar and so difficult to let go - no matter what my rational mind shouts .

I just have to let go. I can't move forward until I let go of where I am now.

"I now let go. I give myself the gift of forgiveness now. I forgive myself for being less that I'm capable of being. I forgive everyone else. I now know that everybody (myself included) is simply doing the best that they can with the knowledge and experience they have."

Thinking back on my "Crying Christmas," I realize that my parents did what they thought was best. They were old-world Asian. They didn't believe in wasting precious work or study time on sports, art, music, or anything that modern Americans consider recreation for "re-creation."

My parents came from a poor background, so all they believed in was school and work. It wasn't until they became wealthy and somewhat "Americanized" did they begin to indulge in leisure activities.

I forgive them. In retrospect, I should've been grateful for having parents that could buy and give me Christmas presents while other children around the world had no food or shoes.

And I forgive myself for continuing to react like a hurt pre-adolescent whenever someone doesn't know what I like. No one, however close he or she may be, can be expected to read my mind.

It's my responsibility to express my likes and dislikes clearly until they are understood to those close to me. I also have to accept that I will frequently meet with disagreements - and it's okay.

It can always be different, better.

I'm still fiercely independent. But it's different now. Understanding a little about its foundation and contributing factors has taken the desperate edginess away. It's a personal choice to be independent; not an unconscious, uncontrollable obsession.

We make choices. We act on the best choices we can think of. But unlike the monk, many of us carry things, heavy things, around with us from the past.

It's over. Get over it.

"It's over. I choose to forgive. I have vividly re-experienced some past hurts buried in my psyche. I gave them their own space to be. I allowed them to run their due course. They are done. They can now move on. I let them go now.

The thought of them pass easily, unharassed through my mind. They evoke no strong feelings. I can now recall them as an observer, not a participant now. No more bad feelings, no more drama thinking about them. I feel so much lighter now.

I refuse to allow past feelings of anger, resentment, and betrayal to affect my present (and future) happiness. I'm over it."

What's that sound? Oh, it's my mobile phone SMS ringtone.

Thank God, it's my girlfriend: "Darling, I'm sorry. Be home soon. Miss you. Love, Kai"...

How Dare She! Out Of Desperation, I Learned How To Forgive

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Friday, December 2, 2011

The Background Of "Rocker" Or Toning Shoes

!±8± The Background Of "Rocker" Or Toning Shoes

As a chiropractor I'm often asked about gimmicks to help with posture and as an avid wearer of toning or rocker shoes patients often ask for information about them, like do they work and why do I wear them.

I always answer YES! They work and my long-suffering Piriformis syndrome is kept under control as long as I keep wearing them!

A Little Bit Of History

As far as I am aware MBT was launched in the late 1990's and various other companies have been scrambling to manufacture a shoe that can not only compare to the MBT but also beat it. This year 2010 - Reebok and Sketchers have produced a range of shoes that offers the same benefits as the well established MBT but for a fraction of the cost.

Like MBT the other manufacturers product are intended to increase strength and muscle tone. The collections, unlike MBTs is designed as an athletic or fashion type footwear.

As with the MBT the alternatives try to create an unstable walking surface but not to the same extent as the MBT shoe. The MBT shoe has always looked unique due to the thick sole but the alternatives have decreased the sole thickness, which looks visually like a normal shoe and hence is aesthetically more appealing than an MBT.

They are a lot easier to walk in, but feel like there isn't the same benefit as an MBT shoe. See the point isn't for it to be easy. The different type of sole also makes the steps shorter and quicker which isn't actually that comfortable.

Pros and Cons

That said of course they have plus points,many people don't like the MBT due to its hefty price tag and chunky look. Hence the other manufacturers offer a much cheaper and better looking shoe. That said - they don't seem to be as effective as the MBT shoe and all the research available to support the other shoes isn't quite as comprehensive as the MBT research or it hasn't been produced by an independent organisation.

My advice is stand out from the crowd, dig deep and by a set of MBT shoes!

The Background Of "Rocker" Or Toning Shoes

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Friday, October 14, 2011

Skechers Shape-Ups - Getting a Workout All Day

!±8± Skechers Shape-Ups - Getting a Workout All Day

We all live busy lifestyles. Most technological innovations were intended to simplify our lives, but it seems that each new time saver only serves to make room for more work. Exercise is one of those things that you know you have to fit into your busy schedule, but it always seems to get put on the back burner. When it comes to physical fitness, wouldn't it be nice to be able to truly multi-task? Well Skechers Shape-Ups make it possible to do just that - workout while you're out at work.

Skechers Shape-Ups are designed to intensify any activity you perform while on your feet. You may have seen these distinct sneakers at your local shoe store and thought to yourself, "Skechers really came out with a bizarre pair of shoes," but that curve shaped sole is there for a reason. Shape-Ups are designed to give you the same feeling you would experience you would get while walking through sand. Remember what it's like to trudge through the soft sand at your favorite lake or beach. After only a few short yards you're huffing and puffing, and you're calves are on fire. No imagine that same effort all through the day or for as long as you're wearing a specifically designed set of sneakers.

The curved profile of Skechers Shape-Ups is what promotes weight loss for the wearer. These shoes force the wearer to exert greater than normal force through the range of each step. Muscle tone, posture, stance - these are just a few of the areas in which many people experience improvement after wearing Shape-Ups for only a few short weeks. Many wearers even report improved ankle strength and reductions in foot pain, even after the onset of weak ligaments and reduced foot arch.

If you do end up purchasing a set of Skechers Shape-Ups, here's a few exercises to help you become accustomed to the difference in stance and foot placement you will experience through standard range of step.

Kick Back: While standing upright, place your feet parallel to one another and about hip distance apart with your center of mass balanced. Roll the weight of your body onto the back of the foam heel for a five count, and then roll back to the center. Ensure that you keep you knees bent. If you lock them up you might loose your balance and tip over backward. This exercise is designed to stretch your calf and hamstrings. Repeat this exercise for five to ten reps.

Rock and Roll: Use the same stance and motion from above, except this time roll yourself forward so that your body weight is balancing on the underside of your toes. Hold this position for two seconds then slowly rock back onto your heals and hold there for another two seconds. This continues the stretch of your calves and hamstrings and also warms up your Achilles and ankles. Do this exercise for five to ten repetitions. Roll and Rock and Roll: This exercise uses the same motion as the Rock and Roll previously, but instead you want your feet moving in opposite directions. While one foot is rolled forward the other will be rocked back. Change positions at the same pace with both feet and continue for 5 to 6 reps.

The Lean: Place your hands palm down against a wall, parallel and slightly above your head. With one leg in front of the other and your arms forward, press with your palms as if you were leaning on the wall while keeping your back leg straight and your front foot on the floor. Then bend the front leg and lean forward by moving your hips toward the wall. Hold for a count of five, and then repeat on the other side. This continues to stretch the calves and Achilles. Repeat for 5 to 6 reps.

You will definitely notice improved strength through your legs, buttocks and thighs as your muscles tone and become accustomed to the effort taken during each stride. The great thing about Skechers Shape-Ups is that you won't get all worn out and sweaty like you may expect for a traditional workout session. The beauty of Shape-Ups is that while you may not feel it right away, your muscles immediately begin adjusting to the new stance and exerting more effort.

Skechers Shape-Ups - Getting a Workout All Day

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Sunday, October 9, 2011

Skechers Women's Shape Ups XW Hyperactive Sneaker,Black,7.5 M US

!±8± Skechers Women's Shape Ups XW Hyperactive Sneaker,Black,7.5 M US

Brand : Skechers | Rate : | Price : $59.99
Post Date : Oct 09, 2011 18:31:35 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

  • Shape-ups XW have a low profile Extended Wear design perfect for walking, standing and extended casual wear
  • Smooth leather and soft suede upper
  • Stitching detail
  • Dressier look mary jane for business casual wear
  • Embossed subtle Shape-ups logo on side tab, Mary jane doubled strap

More Specification..!!

Skechers Women's Shape Ups XW Hyperactive Sneaker,Black,7.5 M US

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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Skechers Men's Shape-Ups XT Fitness Shoe,Black,10.5 M US

!±8± Skechers Men's Shape-Ups XT Fitness Shoe,Black,10.5 M US

Brand : Skechers | Rate : | Price : $69.99
Post Date : Aug 25, 2011 15:31:28 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

  • Shape Ups XT have a low-profile design that is perfect for cross-training, jogging, and walking.
  • Finish first when you compete in these slick Shape Ups™ sneakers from SKECHERS®!
  • Combination leather/synthetic upper with contrasting stitch detail and logo accents.
  • Classic lace-up closure.
  • Soft fabric lining.
  • Padded collar and tongue provide lasting comfort.
  • Cushioned fabric footbed.
  • Soft and firm midsole provides support and stability while giving maximum fitness benefits.
  • Kinetic wedge is designed to absorb shock and provides an exercising effect.
  • Sculpted rubber sole for natural propulsion.
  • Perfect for low-intensity workouts and every day wear.
  • Weight : 19 oz
  • Product measurements were taken using size 8. Please note that measurements may vary by size.

More Specification..!!

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Monday, August 1, 2011

What are UPS tone Sketchers?

!±8± What are UPS tone Sketchers?

Sketchers is an American traditional shoe, which was by CEO Robert Greenberg in 1992. Sketchers has started its footwear line in 1995 and initially used to make boots and skate shoes utilities. Sketchers use to maintain the trend of famous artists Sketcher shoes trendy television in society.

There are four characteristics that people usually buy shoes that are taken into account, accessibility, comfort, style and durability. Well - Sketcher offersShoes with all these qualities. Sketcher shoes are durable, offer many different styles, are easily accessible for almost everyone, and there is no doubt in the comfort of Skechers shoes.

Toning shoe is always very popular these days with the growing trend of health. Toning shoe so that it works like a car while walking exercise are designed so that many people have used these shoes and was clearly pleased. These shoes are too tight and legsuseful for people who suffer from knee pain or ankle. There are a number of brands that offer up-tone shoes, but will take many people to the streets to find the tone Sketchers up. This is because of its well-known brand that has built up through the production of quality shoes over the years.

If you are looking for up-tone shoes, then Sketcher can be a good option for you. Sketcher is a pioneer and promoter of this type of footwear and then only for reasons ofPromotion does not take advantage as much as other brands. Sometimes you can Sketchers more expensive than others, but it is not because the profit margin and high quality raw materials they use.

Sketchers have a wide selection of shoes. They have several designs and styles of shoes and tone. The peculiarity of Sketcher shoes is that they are just full fill your needs for building muscle, but also make these shoes in a very attractive and trendyyou do not wear these shoes feel very strange techniques. It 'very easy to find on-tone Sketcher Shoes Sketchers outlet in your area and you can also buy online. 6.00, very popular now a day to tone up the online purchase of Sketcher shoes, as they offer many opportunities for discounts on a daily basis.

What are UPS tone Sketchers?

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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Skechers Women's Premium-Premix Slip-On Sneaker,White/Navy,8 M

!±8± Skechers Women's Premium-Premix Slip-On Sneaker,White/Navy,8 M

Brand : Skechers | Rate : | Price : $59.95
Post Date : Jul 27, 2011 20:00:16 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

  • Catching glances on the street and at the track.
  • Lightweight EVA midsole and high-traction outsole with toe curl for optimum performance.
  • Padded collar and tongue for added comfort.
  • Weight: 12 oz
  • Product measurements were taken using size 7. Please note that measurements may vary by size.

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